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The Rock & Roll Review has been pleasing audiences since the late 90's with their own takes on all the classic Rock & Roll tunes from the 50's, 60's, and 70's. All the classics from artists like Chuck Berry, The Beach Boys, The Beatles and Rolling Stones. Classic Rock & Roll songs that are engrained into the general public's conscience. As our business card states: "You know, all the fun stuff." The group also plays more current material as well as some classic Doo Wop and instrumental tunes.

The band started playing on the air at the Big 100 radio station while the DJs would segue from commercials to music. Pat Puglisi, Joey Tarbell and Len Myers were the founding members of the group. Pat worked in the Traffic Department at the station and overheard one of the salesman asking if anyone knew of a band that played Oldies. Being the ace salesman that he is, Pat sprang into action and the band started playing at Big 100 Radio functions as it still does today. The Rock & Roll Revue also plays at Weddings and private parties. We have been playing New Years Eve at the Fairlakes Hyatt for the past 5 years.

One of the secrets to the R&R Revue's success is the sound the band gets out of their vintage equipment. Usually, the guitars the guys play are the ones that were played on the original song versions. Gretsch and Rickenbacker guitars through Vox amps for all the British Invasion tunes. Gibson's with Humbucker pickups for all the Chuck Berry songs. Rickenbacker 12 string guitar on the Byrds tunes. Pat, Rob and Joey have the instrumentation to fit whatever the songs dictate.

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The Band

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Pat Puglisi

Pat (with the hat), also known as "Pugs'" is the fearless leader of the group. Since he is a jack of all trades when it comes to instruments, he can easily move from guitar to keyboards or even fill in on drums if need be. Pat is the charismatic one and books the group and takes care of management and operations.

Joey Tarbell

Joey (on the left) is the groups bass man and keeper of the low end groove. He is right at home in the pocket marking those changes. A bass playing veteran that is so vital to the bands sound. He usually carries two basses, a Rickenbacker 4001 as well as an old Fender P bass.

Jay Dennis

Jay (right of Joey) is the master time keeper and purveyor of the back beat. He is also a veteran of many bands and usually the first to arrive at the gig to stake out the territory he needs for his Drummers Workshop kit. Jay has semi-retired his Rogers kit to take advantage of the latest technology his DW kit affords him.

Rob Kilgore

Rob (left of Pat) is the primary lead vocalist in the group. All the other members sing but Rob seems to have the healthiest singing appetite of the outfit. He is also the resident guitar collector and usually has whatever guitar is on the song that the group is covering. Rob is the rhythm guy but also plays a lead here and there.

Kathy Schmiech

Has everyone been mentioned? Oops! Who can forget Kathy? She is the pretty one and the gal with the golden voice for the ballads and slow dancing tunes. Kathy plays the keyboards and has retired her old Wurlitzer for a Kurtzweiler. She gives the group a touch of class and elegance.

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Band Alumni

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Len Myers

Our good friend and former guitarist Len Myers moved to Myrtle Beach several years ago. We are planning a trip down south to hook up and do some gigging. Lenny was a founding member and one of the classiest guy around. He was also a great salesman like Pat and got the band many gigs. As the only southpaw in the band, we miss Len's presence on the left side of the stage. We were always bugging him to play one of his left handed guitars, but that wasn't his style - he liked the pickguard on the top of his guitar. We know that he is still "Working on a Thing."

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It's hard to think of the Rock & Roll Revue without thinking of our good friend and DJ - Goldy. Goldy has moved to Fayettville, North Carolina, and since then, the group has had to get along without our wild and crazy front man that was usually running around in the audience as much as he was on stage behind the microphone. It doesn't get any better than having your own DJ in the band to do all the announcing and attract a lot of attention to the group. Goldy was the one that talked up the band on Big 100 Radio letting our fans know where our next appearance would be. He left to take over the morning slot on Thunder 106.9. We will miss our good buddy but wish him all the success at his new post during morning drive time.

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For a short period of time, the Rock & Roll Revue had the great pleasure of having Jay's brother, Steve in the group. Steve is a great singer and guitarist not to mention a world class equipment loader. We have never set up and tore down as fast and efficiently as we did when Steve was a member of band. It was also great to have that brotherly blend going on. That's Steve in the photo below partially obscured by a fan that was desperately needed that hot Fourth of July afternoon. Steve brought his Les Paul to the gigs and also that great Gibson tone. Now that we are a few years older, we think back fondly on those days when Steve picked up the slack and all that equipment magically made its way into the van.

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Listen in on the R&R Review performing one of their most requested tunes:

Old Time Rock & Roll

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Contact Information

The Rock & Roll Review are available to play for you. We have done countless weddings as well as grand openings and corporate functions. We have a promotional kit and demo we can mail to you. Feel free to contact Pat at the following phone numbers and email addresses:

Pat: (Days) 202-895-5036 (Evenings) 301-414-0095
